Fablab @ Singapore Polytechnic has a large number of tools, equipment and machinery which we can use to fabricate our project. In the course of the module, we will be taught the operation of some of these tools and equipment, but firstly, we would have to ensure our safety in the lab which requires us to take the Safety Assessment. The documentation and notes for the couse are provided on the E-learning Site at SP which we can go through before taking the Safety Assessment.

Assignment: List of common tools

#1. What are the common tools that I should have in a tool-kit for my home? Prepare a list of tools that you may need based on the following:

  1. Hammer
  2. Ladder
  3. Screwdriver
  4. Assorted screws
  5. Allen key set
  6. Spanner
  7. File
  8. Metal Rule
  9. Needle-nose Pliers
  10. Wire cutters
  11. Side cutters
  12. Xacto Knife
  13. Hot glue gun
  14. Electric Drill & drill bit
  15. Pliers
  16. Duct Tape
  17. Insulating Tape
  18. Measuring Tape
Some of the tools listed:

#2. Installation of software

  • Autodesk Fusion 360: This application is a CADD which will allow us to design and simulate our project digitally
  • A text editor: I chose brackets as my text editor which is used to make this website in HTML.