We are given 4 different options to develop our website

  • HTML and CSS: We create our HTML website from scratch and layout the site using CSS. It is simple to start and very basic, and we have full control of the website. However, it is difficult maintaining consistency without a clear format and gets more complicated with more pages added

  • Borrow A Design: We start of with an existing website and modify and add whatever we need and want into the HTML and CSS file. The design is professional looking and content is up to us to add. However, we need to know how the HTML code works so as to add content into the HTML file. This is the method I used and I used Jake Wright video to create my website. ( Learn HTML in 12 Minutes)

  • Markdown: Markdown is a different editing language compared to HTMl, and is text-like which makes it easy to make notes and add information. However, the website will look very bare and we need to learn how to use Markdown which is different from HTML.

  • Jekyll: Jekyll is a static site generator which converts Markdown together with other instructions to HTML. Information is added using Markdown or HTML and it looks very professional. However, each part of the site must be fully understood in order to add information.